This intricately designed piece blends mystique with modern flair, featuring a striking evil eye motif encased in dazzling crystals, exuding protection and style. The colored stones add a bold touch, while the infinity star amulet symbolizes eternal strength and positivity. Crafted for the fashion-forward gentleman, this bracelet is a statement accessory that merges tradition with contemporary trends, making it a must-have for those who appreciate unique and meaningful jewelry.
Material: 18K White GoldPlated
Stone Type: CZ Stone
Length: 7", 8''
Width: 14mm
Product Type: Bracelet
This intricately designed piece blends mystique with modern flair, featuring a striking evil eye motif encased in dazzling crystals, exuding protection and style. The colored stones add a bold touch, while the infinity star amulet symbolizes eternal strength and positivity. Crafted for the fashion-forward gentleman, this bracelet is a statement accessory that merges tradition with contemporary trends, making it a must-have for those who appreciate unique and meaningful jewelry.
Material: 18K White GoldPlated
Stone Type: CZ Stone
Length: 7", 8''
Width: 14mm
Product Type: Bracelet
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